Sunday, 23 June 2013

Modern Management

A task can either be done single handedly or as a group. The need for management and organization comes into picture when multiple people are involved in completing a task. Modern Management specifically talks about existence of segregated duties of

1. Decision making
2. Execution

and importance of  non-financial awards like work satisfaction to executers/workers in an organization. Modern view consists that a worker does not work for only money. They work for their satisfaction and happiness with good living style.

Tower Building Example:

The concept of modern management and its differences from single handed work completion were illustrated by Prof. Mandi through a simple tower building exercise.

Case1:  One person was asked to build the tower (Single handed approach)

Case2: The tower had to be built by a blind folded person being guided by another person and a third person overlooking the whole process (Multiple people approach with one acting as top level manager, other as middle level manager and the third as the worker)

Lets see the differences in the two approaches on different parameters:

                                             One Person                          More than one person
Work allocation/progress     Ambiguous                          Crystal clear( Responsibilities are
                                                                                                          clearly outlined) 
Skill level                               Skilled                                   Deskilled/fragmented skill set

Output                                   'X' (22 block tower made      Greater than 'X' (25 block tower 
                                                       in current example)                            in current example) 

Satisfaction  level                  'Y'                                          Lesser than 'Y'
Time Taken                            'Z'                                          Lesser than 'Z'


Managerial Skills:
The main factors coming into play in effective management include:

1. Conceptual Skills:

Conceptual skill is the ability to visualize the organization as a whole. It includes Analytical, Creative and Initiative skills. It helps the manager to identify the causes of the problems and not the symptoms.

In the tower building example, this could include making available vacuum space, flat platform, equal sized cubes etc. to achieve higher storey tower.

Conceptual skills are mostly required by the top-level management because they spend more time in planning, organizing and problem solving.

2. Technical/ Operational Skills:

A technical skill is the ability to perform the given job. Technical skills help the managers to use different machines and tools. It also helps them to use various procedures and techniques.

In current example, this would include, the manager providing the right instructions/procedure to the worker. 

The low-level managers require more technical skills. This is because they are incharge of the actual operations.

3. Human Relations skills:

Human relations skills are also called Interpersonal skills. It is an ability to work with people. It helps the managers to understand, communicate and work with others. It also helps the managers to lead, motivate and develop team spirit. 

  • Motivation: Employees are not motivated by only money (bonus scheme and incentive).
  • Communication:  communication helps the management and employees to have better mutual understanding. Through proper communication, management can easily identified the problem faced by its employees and can easily solve out.
  • Social factors: Social factors are responsible for deciding the level of output.
  • Behavior of workers: workers are not as individual identity but as members of a group in an organization and they have their own norms and beliefs. Workers behavior depends upon his mental level and emotions. Workers began to influence their group behavior towards management.
  • Relationship: Employees do not like order and command. They preferred to maintain amicable relationship with their co-workers. They want co-operative attitude from their superiors.
  • Production level:  Teamwork and Group psychology increases productivity. 
    Human relations skills are required by all managers at all levels of management. This is so, since all managers have to interact and work with people.
    All the above principles of Modern management can be applied to the tower building example.

    Thursday, 20 June 2013

    What goes around comes around

    What goes around comes around...No, I am not talking in the context of Karma but pure Business. And, this was depicted by esteemed Prof. Prasad Teegalapally popularly known as Dr.Mandi - Professor of "Dhandha" (full story below on this :-) ) using a simple instrument in the first class of 'Principles of Organization and Management' at NITIE.

    Value provided is value gained

    The instrument has 5 identical metal spheres suspended such
    that motion created in any of the balls triggers motion
    in the others based on principle of transfer of momentum.
    when a sphere from left end is set into motion, it triggers
    motion in the sphere at the right end. The sphere at
    the right end now swings back and sets the left most
    sphere (now still) into motion.

    Similarly, two spheres set together in motion from one end will trigger two at the other end, which will eventually set back the original two in motion. Both ends are proportionally connected.

    The same holds in Business, when value is created and delivered
    to customers, customers come back to you with equal effect creating your value in the market.
    Customer oriented production and marketing play a key role in the success of an organization.

    Productive Learning:

    Prof. Mandi and students in classroom seated in Desi style.

    Prof. Mandi emphasizes on not neglecting, proudly carrying out Indian ways, being shadowed in the virally spreading western culture. He also stresses on getting out something productive from everything one learns or invests time on. As he says:

    ·  Learn and Earn, Earn and Learn
    · Consume and Create, Create and consume 


    MANDI is  a unique on field marketing exercise from the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE - Mumbai)  led by Dr.Prasad (and so the name Dr.Mandi :) ). Here in students go out on the streets to sell educational toys. The idea is to practically implement sales strategies, interact and understand customer behavior live. 

    Watch Mandi here:

    More of lessons on "Dhanda" management from Dr.Mandi coming up!!!!